
Career Nurturer Counselling

Feeling confused about choosing the right career?

If you are unclear about your career path, then Career Nurturer Counseling is here to guide you.

We offer detailed aptitude / psychometric assessments, and career guidance sessions, to help you find the right path that aligns with your aptitude, personality, emotional intelligence, and interests.

Whether you’re in school or college, our career counseling and assessment techniques are tailored to meet your needs. Take the first step towards a meaningful career with Career Nurturer Counseling, and empower yourself to make informed decisions about your future.

Career Nurturer is your one-stop shop for career and personal development.

We are your dependable career coach, guide and mentor

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Our Career Counsellor

Mr. Farzad Minoo Damania

Mr. Farzad Minoo Damania - Best Career Counsellor in Mumbai
Mr. Farzad Minoo Damania - Best Career Counsellor in Mumbai

12+ years experience in career counselling and training

Stay updated with latest career trends, and self-development tips

Please note: Counselling sessions are scheduled by appointment only.

Career Counselling and Guidance

Get personalized career counselling and guidance to set your career goals and plan your career path.

Evaluate your aptitude, interest, personality, and emotional intelligence to understand which career is suitable for you.

Psychometric and Aptitude Assessments

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